Your car insurance might not cover automobile transporters. In fact, most policies don’t have coverage for third parties unless you request it, which is why it’s vital that you check to make sure the auto transporters you use are covered. All auto shippers should offer basic insurance and some will give you even more than that. Extra usually comes with a higher charge, but it may be worth it.

What should you check before hiring auto shippers?

Your insurance: Find out what is covered if your vehicle is being transported by a certified company. You may also want to price extra coverage in case you need it . . . it may be cheaper than the extras provided by the automobile transporters.

Their insurance: What is covered by the basic insurance that the transporter carries? You should inquire as to the cost of extras like flood and fire insurance, as well.

Their paperwork: Make sure that what you’re being told isn’t just word of mouth. You can ask to see the paperwork for the company that you want to hire, just to confirm with your own eyes that they have the insurance required to move your car.

Don’t risk your vehicle. While the automobile transporters are probably very good and use only careful drivers, you should still have adequate insurance in case anything goes wrong. Auto transporters may not have the best insurance, so do a little scouting on your own and see if your insurance covers auto shippers, too.

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